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Welcome to
St Theodore & St Teilo's Orthodox Church

Divine Liturgy is served every Sunday at 12:30.

All are welcome!

A Community of the Archdiocese of Orthodox Churches of Russian Tradition in Western Europe

(For the UK parishes, click here)

Meeting every Sunday at Conway Road Methodist Church,

Conway Road, Cardiff, CF11 9NT

Our purpose is to serve the people of Cardiff and South Wales in prayer, service, and fellowship, according to the ancient traditions of Orthodox Christianity.


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God with us

We meet to serve the Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 12:30.


Other liturgies are served as announced.


Encountering the Great Physician

The priest can be available to hear confessions before every liturgy, or by appointment.


Other Sacraments

The Body of Christ & the Life of the Spirit

Other sacraments, such as baptism and marriage, can be celebrated with due notice and preparation.

Please speak with the priest for more information.

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'There is one Physician, fleshly, spiritual, begotten and unbegotten, God in man, true life in death, both of Mary and of God, first passible then impassible, Jesus Christ our Lord.'

St Ignatius of Antioch

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